Jump 2 It & North Staffs Trampolining Consent Form

Emergency Contact Numbers: may also be used for informing you of session cancellations, holiday courses and kit orders. It is the responsibility of the parents/named adult to ensure that any named person is aware that I will be holding the information for the duration of the membership.
Medical exclusions for Trampolining are: Detaching retina, rodded back, brittle bones, and pregnancy. Participants with Downs Syndrome require a form to be completed by the doctor prior to participating.
For weekly classes, if your child is under 8 to be able to attend you will need to stay in the session with them and stand by the trampoline and spot for them for safety reasons. If you child is over 8 we may still request you to stay if they struggle to spot or not of a suitable height to spot Please click link to read: code of practice
If this does not happen, for every reminder text message sent there will be a late payment fee of £10. If this is not paid or continues each month you will lose your place.
If late more than 5 minutes on 3 occasions you will be asked not to attend on that week, will then need to be on time to continue the class. The warm up is a crucial part of the sessions. If this is a problem please contact us to see if there is another class option which would be more suitable for you.
Please follow this link to read our full policy: privacy policy
Please follow link to read our full policy: images and words policy
I confirm that all information given in this form is correct. By typing my full name into this box, I consider this to be legally binding signature.
Information for Taster sessions. Thankyou for completing the above consent form, please submit after reading this. –It is very important to have read the code of practise as highlights all rules you need to abide by (see link above). — If your child is under 8 you will need to stay and stand with your child for safety reasons. –Please give £s cash to the coach on duty for the taster session. ——————————What Will Happen in the First Session –A floor warm up: A gentle warmup to get going. – Please wear trainers for this. ————————-On the Trampoline: A coach will start with your child for two attempts to show them what to do. If your child is under 8 please stand by the trampoline with them. The coach will then move round trampoline, so your child can practise what they have learnt with input. ————Each attempt is a minute and a half – a buzzers sounds when it is time to change over. In the first session your child should cover the basic moves of jumping and stopping, tuck, stars, straddles, ½ twists and seat landings. Progress permitting they may also do pike jumps, back bounces and linking moves. —To finish: We play a different game on the trampoline each week followed by a cool down on the floor. ——–End of Session Please come speak to a coach before you leave so we can get some feedback on the session and to discuss future sessions. If your child would like to come back, they will start on an award and will work towards achieving a badge and certificate which can be bought for £3 when completed. Moves start off easy and get harder as you progress. ————————————————————–Payment (Chesterton, Wallace & Congleton) The Head Coach Jenny will send you a text message with payment amount due and details for future months. –Thank you for your interest in a taster session. We hope your child(ren) enjoy it! ———————————————If you wish to keep Up to Date on Information please join Facebook: Please feel free to like our Facebook page ‘Jump 2 It Coaching’ and join our group page ‘Jump 2 It Coaching and North staffs Trampolining‘. This is where we post information in regards to payment, cancellations, kit orders, holiday courses and club social. This is always kept up to date with what is going on.