Please read the following thoroughly as such that you’re aware of the precautions and measures in place whilst COVID-19 is prevalent. This may change and be adjusted according to British Gymnastics and Government guidelines.
Updated session from September 2021
An one-way system will be in place in the sports hall, keeping to the edges of the room.
- When entering, exiting or throughout sessions must observe social distancing rules.
- Sanitise hands at beginning and end of the sessions
- Sessions will be of 55 minutes long with 5 minutes for cleaning (1 hour)
- Sessions will be of 1hr 25 minutes long with 5 minutes for cleaning (1hour 30mins).
- After each session gymnasts or coach must wipe down the surfaces, frame pads, push in mat, mat and contact points. 5 minutes between sessions for cleaning.
- At the end of all sessions the trampoline bed needs to be sprayed with antibacterial spray.
- On arrival gymnasts must wait to enter observing 2 metre social distancing and they will enter the gym 1 at a time where details logged and recorded that they have attended
- To come to session ready in training kit
- Been to toilet at home prior to coming to training
- To bring their own water bottle (full)
- To bring their own hand sanitiser to use in between goes (sanitiser will be available at venue on entry/exit)
- Trampolines will be set-up in the usual format, social distancing to be maintained
- 4 trampolines in operation, maximum of 4 participants per trampoline.
- Gymnasts will be assigned a trampoline and place/spot/marker on that trampoline (Appendix A).
- Markings on the floor/ trampoline for visual representation for social distancing
- Gymnasts to follow the system in place whilst waiting for their turn
- Gymnasts to get on and off the trampoline at the same point (Appendix A)
- Gymnasts will be kept on the same trampoline at each session if at all possible.
- To stay on their allocated Trampoline throughout the session. Only moving if need to go to the toilet
- Water bottle, shoes and other personal belongings kept by gymnast by trampoline in a safe place.
- The floor warm up will now be done on the spot
- Gymnasts will still be requested to spot (stand by the trampoline and push someone on if come towards the edge) and if 2m distance is compromised follow measures in place to reduce risk (Appendix B)
- The Coach/Gymnasts/Parent are allowed to spot (stand) by the trampoline for safety reasons as confirmed by British Gymnastics, if for any reason a child comes towards the edge which is very rare (for example, the gymnast is in danger of falling off and needs to be pushed back on) breaching social distancing, hand sanitising measure must be followed (Appendix B) and incident documented.
- At the end of the session gymnast to leave via dedicated exit
- Gymnasts for the next session cannot enter until the group before have all left
- Any parent when entering, exiting or throughout sessions must observe social distancing rules.
- Sanitise hands on entering and exit the venue
- On arrival if parents can drop off their children and leave the venue it would be much appreciated.
- If parents need to wait with their children prior to the session please enter observing 2 metre social distancing (with gymnast) and they will enter the gym 1 at a time where details logged and recorded that they have attended with gymnast.
- If you child is over 8 we ask for you to leave them in the session and return to collect at the end of their session.
- If your child is under 8 and the parent needs to spot or stay with their child for safety reasons.
- The Coach/Gymnasts/ Parent are allowed to spot (stand) by the trampoline for safety reasons as confirmed by British Gymnastics, if for any reason a child comes towards the edge which is very rare (i.e going to fall off and needs to be pushed back on) breaching social distancing, hand sanitising measure must be followed (Appendix B) and incident documented.
- If parents are needed to stay in the session only 1 adult per child is allowed.
- If there is a particular reason you need to stay please approach the head coach to discuss this. We need to know this in advance due to the capacity of the sports hall.
- To maintain social distancing throughout the session
- Leave with gymnast via dedicated exit
- To arrival promptly to collect their child after the session, if delayed organise for them to be in quiet area away from other participants (reception)
- Please be aware there are no chairs, bench or tables available with in the centre
- Coaches to be coaching the same sessions each week where possible
- Coaches ensure they adhere to social distancing at all times
- Coaches to instruct floor warm up from trampoline, gymnasts to do on the spot, by their trampoline
- Coaches will be positioned in the middle of & standing in one corner to maintain 2m distance (Appendix A).
- Coaches will still rotate and watch every trampoline though this will be done from the position on the trampoline keeping social distance and in a anti-clockwise direction. Coaches may not rotate on occasions.
- Coaches will get on/off at the end of the trampolines. Wipe any contact points. (Appendix A)
- Plan safe progressions that can be done whilst social distancing as no contact or support is allowed
- Coaches are unable to support moves at this time, if a gymnast is seriously going to hurt themselves the coach will step in and then proceed to follow measure to reduce risk (Appendix B)
- In the event of first aid being required and needing closer contact appropriate PPE will be worn.
- Doors kept open where possible and handles wiped in between sessions
- After each session gymnasts or coach must wipe down the surfaces, frame pad, push in mat, mat and contact points. 10 minutes between sessions for cleaning.
- At the end of all sessions the trampoline bed needs to be sprayed or wiped with antibacterial spray.
- 10 minutes between sessions will allow for dispersal of previous session. Staggering exit and arrival times.
- Coaches to ensure Gymnasts to follow the system in place whilst waiting for their turn as recommended by British Gymnastics.
- To ensure all gymnasts are collected from the previous session before other gymnasts enter the hall. If parents are delayed organise for them to be in quiet area away from other participants (reception)
Participant gymnasts with specific additional needs
- Follow the safe return to training as listed above
- 5 minutes in between sessions to allow for staggered entry/exit of participants
- Please ensure prompt arrival and only come into the venue a few minutes prior to your session
- You will need to wait outside the room until asked to enter
- Parents/careers will need to stay and spot with their child/client
- Social distancing of 2m will be maintained if at all possible.
- For safety reasons if the coach needs to step in to assist measures will be taken to reduce risk (Appendix B)
- Acceptable contact will be discussed if deemed necessary and an agreement put into place for each individual (please complete social distancing form)
- Parents/carers can be involved with supporting, close contact and physical handling if needed with in the capacity of session under coaches.
- Please not there are no benches or chairs in the sports hall
In event of emergency
- First Aiders to be aware of the symptoms of Covid-19
- First aid equipment and stock of PPE to be checked and stocked regularly.
- First aiders must wear PPE when administering first aid; gloves, apron and mask to be worn
- First aider to maintain social distance if possible
- First aiders aware of the procedure and most up to date practices
- Post incident all involved to sanitise thoroughly and where minor symptoms shown in future days to instantly raise alert and get tested using Government guidance
- In an emergency, for example, an accident, fire, or break-in, people do not have to stay 2m apart if it would be unsafe.
If a person shows COVID-19 symptoms
- Staff trained to identify the symptoms of Covid-19 and process for minimising the risk of transmission. Ventilated room identified as isolation room (for suspected cases) whilst parent arrives to collect.
- PPE provided for the purpose of cleaning and first aid
COVID-19 symptoms and responsibilities
- Before each session please ask yourself the following questions, if the answer is yes to any of the following please do not attend the session
- Have you any symptoms of the known Covid 19 symptoms?
- Have you or anyone in your household been in contact with anyone confirmed with Covid last 14 days?
- Any point being confirmed with Covid 19?
- Have you been recommended to self-isolate?
COVID-19 reporting
- If you have attended a session and then have a positive test result please inform the head coach
- For NHS Test and Trace, a record will be kept of all customers and visitors entering the venue. Your data may need to be shared to relevant authorities should a positive test be reported.
Covid 19 Important Update
Following on from the latest government announcement (22nd Sept 2020).
From September, though no longer mandatory face masks are still recommended to be worn in all public areas (sport and leisure centres included). Masks do not need to be worn whilst exercising but you will need to wear a mask into and out of the public building onto your way to your class. Areas where masks will be recommended:
*Reception area *Toilets *Corridors *Changing rooms *Lift *Stairwells *Spectators area *Designated waiting areas
** for Children under the age of 11 it is not mandatory to wear a mask, over 11s MUST wear a mask.
***This also means that any ADULT adult who is staying in the session to accompany an under 8 year old please wear a mask for the duration of the child exercising session.
As a reminder due to the current restrictions in all centres unless a child is over 8 no adult or parent is allowed to stay during the session. If an under 8 year old is responsible enough we may also ask for some individual parents not to stay but your coach will speak to any parent/adult we feel this may apply to.
Many of our current centres do have restrictions on the number of people/adults allowed in the room at any one time. If a session has a large proportion of under 8’s it may be some times necessary to restrict the number of under 8’s parents to ensure we stay under these imposed restricted numbers. Again, we will discuss with all individuals if this becomes an issue. This will hopefully avoid us having to move some under 8’s to a different session.
To confirm that you have read and understood these terms, please fill in the following form for each child you have attending our classes
Appendix A – Sports hall layout

Appendix B – Reducing risk measures
If social distancing is breached the following steps need to occur
– Regain distance
– Wash/santise hands
– Record/ Report incident to head coach
If it is likely that the coach may need to come with in 1.5/2ms of the participant
– They will santise their hands
– Wear a visor
– Consider wearing facemask/gloves if deemed necessary by the clients parents/careers.